Monday, January 08, 2007

Reclaiming bank charges part 2

Well its been a couple of days since I last posted and its been an OK weekend. We had some friends round on Saturday night so I had to splash out on some booze, but taking advantage of special offers I got plenty for a tenner. So all in all not a bad week as I kept below my £20 pocket money fact I even ended up with about £3.50 left.....
Oh, But I owe son number 1 JC his pocket money which is £4 so....50p in the red..not that good a start then !

Back to reclaiming my bank charges. They total about £800, but you can actually charge the bank interest on top !! Thats a first ! Certainly means that you can get your own back !

The moneysavingexpert website has a handy thing that you can enter all your charges and it automatically calculates the interest owed and then puts them all together in a printable format. It took me about 20 minutes to punch them all in and then the bloody printer ran out of ink so I can't print it !!

I just hope I saved it right.


Anonymous said...

Good luck - I'm planning on doing the same thing myself soon. Do you know if we can do it for credit cards as well, or is it just the banks?

PC said...

Hi.... I think so. I haven't really looked into that side of it, but the basis of the argument is that the charges do not reflect the actual costs to the bank, so I would expect it to be the same. I may well do my credit cards after I have tried my two banks.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.